
Future Dusk is the color of the year 2025?

November 5, 2024by admin

There are several organisations in the world that have taken it upon themselves to set trends that everyone must follow in order to be fashionable. As the clock strikes on New Year’s Eve, all other trends should lose their relevance and now everyone should follow their new resolutions.

We’re kidding, of course. But it’s still unclear what factors these trendsetters are using to set a particular colour. And if the colour of 2024 was a shade of pink and peach, then the colour of 2025 was a shade of purple with a name that does not bode well – Future Dusk. Do trendsetters know something we don’t?

Traditionally, in December Pantone Institute announces which colour it chooses as the shade of the year.

Pantone is a company that is well known for its colour catalogues. This company has been a reliable assistant for designers, builders and even printers for many years. In short – for everyone who deals with colour.

However, there are many other companies in the world that also make decisions about what colour will be relevant in a given year.

They conduct research and surveys, analyse consumer preferences and cultural trends, and communicate with colour, design and fashion experts to determine the future hot shades.

          • WGSN (World Global Style Network) is a global consumer and design trends expert and colour trend forecasting institute.
          • Coloro is a subsidiary of WGSN that specialises in researching and developing colour palettes.

While the world waits until December to hear the verdict of the Pantone Institute, WGSN and Coloro have already unveiled the main colour of 2025. It is the deep Future Dusk. And if the colour of 2024 is the soft, soft and light Peach Puff, Future Dusk is a shade that seems to come from the era of mysterious romanticism and brings not only light but also shadow. It symbolises mystery, otherness and two-worldliness. In 2025, this colour will be the basis for many cultural phenomena: design, fashion, art.

Future Dusk will be able to make projects more expressive and emphasise their individuality.

Pretty grim, don’t you think? I’d like to believe that 2025 won’t be as gloomy as the colour chosen….
And here’s how designers think the colour scheme of a trendy 2025 interior should look like.

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