
Welcome to the world of Amazing Interiors!

Hello! We are creative studio from Warsaw, Poland. Our interior designers will help you to transform your interior or create a new one.

If you need a reliable partner in interior design, we are ready to cooperate with local design studios and property developers in Europe, UK, USA and take over part of your design work.

LIVING INTERIORS, OFFICES AND COMMERCIAL SPACEA good interior is able to cure diseases.
And it helps you make money.

The average person spends more than 80% of their life indoors. Everything that surrounds him affects his mood, outlook and desire to live. Interiors, inappropriate and uncomfortable surroundings can lead to depression and even mental illness.

Our studio, located in Warsaw, Poland, considers it our duty to cure any sick and dull room quickly and qualitatively. You will be surprised how pleasant the interior of a living space can become, not to mention a cafe, restaurant or even a car workshop or a home garage.

TALK ABOUT YOUR BENEFITSWhat makes us better than other designers?
For you personally.

If you go to an ordinary furniture or tile shop, there will probably be an interior designer there who will offer you a selection of products for your interior.
So why is our offer better?

A designer from the shop works only with the materials and furniture that the shop itself sells.

We are not tied to one vendor, and can use dozens of solutions from different sources.

You will spend your time searching for materials in other shops. You take the risk that they will not fit.

By working with us, you won't make any extra effort and will continue to do your business wherever you live.

The shop designer will not make up the layout of your flat. He will select furniture already in the existing rooms.

We provide you with a planning solution with the transfer of partitions. Your furniture will fit the room.

The designer of the tile shop will not be involved in your living room or kitchen interior.

We do everything. We calculate the ergonomics of your movement through all the rooms of your home.

Calculate your project in 3 minutes

Use our calculator to find out the approximate cost of your project. We will calculate a more precise price after we are fully acquainted with the task.
Finding a new interior style
For those who are going to refresh their renovation without moving walls and want to find their style, or perhaps even become the author of their own style. It is also a suitable option if you need to update the interior of a cafe, office quickly.
From €9,-
  • Interior design
  • Functional plan of the room
  • Colour scheme
  • Visualisation 3D
  • Materials and equipment list of purchase
  • Consultations
  • Price includes VAT
Complete design project
For the happy owners of a new room that needs to be divided into zones and the correct distribution of functions for each member of the interior. The package includes technical documentation and drawings for the refurbishment
From €19,-
  • Detailed plan of the room
  • Plan of demountable and new partition walls
  • Colour schemes and material selection
  • Basic drawing package for builders
  • Visualisation 3D
  • List of items and materials
  • Price includes VAT
Project with supervision
A package for the most demanding customers who are doing a global renovation from scratch and need a package of drawings with maximum detail. The project includes visits by the project author to supervise the activities of the contractors.
From €29,-
  • Functional plan of the room
  • Colour and material selection
  • Extended drawing package for builders
  • Visualisation 3D
  • Detailed materials and equipment calculation
  • On-site designer visits
  • Price includes VAT

Good news!
You have an option to order a project on Behance.net

What are the benefits of working with Behance?

The Behance platform belongs to the famous Adobe company - the creator of such famous tools as Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and many others. This prestigious platform was created to bring together designers from all over the world.

If you are afraid to work with a designer on the system of direct settlements, use our offer. The system protects both the customer and the designer. The client pays for the designer's work according to the agreed scheme, but the contractor receives the money in stages, or after the work is finished. Our studio will be with you throughout the realisation of your project.

BECOME SUCCESSFUL WITH YOUR NEW INTERIORHow we develop our clients' businesses

We know how to become successful and we share that knowledge with others.

If you have bought a nice flat – we will help you design a comfortable and functional interior.
If you want to develop premises for your own business – a cafe, restaurant or car repair shop, we will not only design the interior and select equipment for you, but also help you find your first clients. We will develop your corporate identity, think of a marketing campaign or even develop new products for you.

How is this possible?

Our interior design studio, based in Warsaw, is part of a company BusinessAds that has specialised in launching new business start-ups.

You will learn about it on our page.

Amazing Interiors - Projektowanie wnętrz mieszkania, domu Warszawa

Without wasting any time, in a relaxed environment, you will create a fully professional project with us, including both technical documentation and photorealistic 3d renderings. You will receive a complete list of elements used in the design.

We design both individual rooms and entire flats. At the customer’s request, we can involve a construction team in the project and provide author’s supervision.

Think blueprints
Furniture placing
Plants are important


Amazing Interiors studio is part of BusinessAds, a marketing agency dedicated to launching businesses from scratch for our respectful customers.

And that’s for a reason. We love designing living interiors, but the interior of a cafe, restaurant or office simply has to be designed by people who have an understanding of marketing and how a new interior will affect sales at the location being created.

Let us start working with you and we will never be apart!

Our designer Helena


Our designer Bartłomiej


Amazing Interiors - interior design in Warsaw and throughout Europe

MARKETING & SUPPORT...as well as a team of designers and marketers

who take care about your success


Every customer has a different story, a different budget and different challenges. Take a look at our customer testimonials, maybe someone else's story will be similar to yours?
Amazing Interiors - Projektowanie wnętrz mieszkania, domu Warszawa

LET'S MAKE YOUR INTERIOR LOOK AMAZINGQuestions are answered by our experts:

Helena Woropaj


Studio Founder. Higher education in law and architectural. More than 20 years of experience working with international clients.
Amazing Interiors - Projektanci wnętrz Warszawa


Architect by education. More than 5 years of work with architectural bureaus and construction organisations

As a rule, time to develop a complicated design project for a 100 sqm flat takes up to 2-3 months.

It is very important at the first stages to realise that our views on design in general and the vision of your interior coincide. For this purpose it is necessary to openly and honestly tell about your wishes. We need to draw up a detailed design specification. Then we will be able to offer the variant that you will be completely satisfied with much faster. And then the process of developing a design project will take a minimum of time.


Yes, we work remotely.

Depending on the location of the object, we can either come or fly to you to take measurements and finalise all agreements, or we can work completely remotely. In this case, you will have to take measurements of the object on your own, according to our recommendations, or engage specialists on site.

All further work is carried out with the help of video conferencing programmes Skype, ZOOM, as well as by phone and e-mail. But don’t worry – even if the designer lives on the next street in your city, most of the design work is done remotely. So there are no complications. Our studio from Poland has carried out projects for clients from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, the UK and even Israel. Modern means of information exchange help to eliminate most of the inconveniences.

Unfortunately, the service of AUTHOR’S PROJECT SUPPORT is only available in Warsaw and Mazowieckie Voivodeship. In other regions – by agreement with our partners.


Obligatory. We work under a contract, which will specify the terms, cost, stages and composition of work, as well as the terms of co-operation and responsibility of the parties. You can receive a draft of the contract in electronic form in advance for its preliminary agreement.


Of course!

Not all buyers buy a home from scratch. In most cases, we can find a place in the interior for your favourite sofa or your grandmother’s wardrobe. But you should be aware that the items should at least somewhat match the general style of the room you have chosen. Otherwise, your interior will consist of disparate items.

We would also recommend ordering an interior design project for the whole flat or house. All the efforts of the designer will be in vain if each room will be different in ideology from the neighbouring one.


As much as we would like every service to be free (e.g. how about a free manicure/pedicure?), we have to charge for initial consultations. It takes a lot of time and effort to visit your facilities and prepare proposals.

Even if you don’t continue working with us after the consultation, most clients will appreciate what they get during such designer’s visit. The ideas presented during our initial consultation will save you time and help you avoid costly mistakes, had you not sought professional advice.


Every furniture shop has its interior designer. Some design studios offer a fixed price of repair, including the cost of materials and the design project itself. They have signed contracts for the supply of certain materials, and will create a project only on the basis of these materials and furniture from their range.

This is not our case.

In all of the above cases, these companies will not offer the best solution FOR YOU. They offer the most valuable. solution FOR THEM. You will only see the outside of the job, but you will never know, for example, what primers they will use.

The cheaper white paint will yellow after a couple of years, and the chipboard that the custom furniture was made from and skimped on will start to peel and buckle. You may look at the result and wish you had used better quality materials. As a result, at the end of your warranty, you may end up completely disappointed with the cheap repair.

We work with partner construction companies, as well as with the performers hired by the customer. But we always remain an INDEPENDENT observer, defending the interests of our client and his project. The builder is always trying to do cheaper and save on something, ignoring the designer’s ideas. And our task is to do everything so that the idea is not affected and the customer is not disappointed in the interior in a couple of years.


That’s a very good question. Many customers have a question: why does one designer want 2,000 euros for his project, while another is ready to do seemingly the same thing, but for 300? And he promises to do it not in two months, but in just three days?

Most designers set a fixed price depending on the area – per square metre. But you need to check carefully what exactly lies beneath the figures in the quotation. The same job can be done cheaply and superficially, or expensively and in detail. When you embark on a project for which you paid very cheaply, it may turn out that you only paid for pretty pictures, and the project will have to be handed over. Our studio just recently had such a case.

An aspiring freelancer who advertised himself beautifully and gave a low price, made a lot of mistakes. For example: he proposed a wall of a complex shape to lay large-sized tiles. The material waste was more than 60 per cent, but the tile worker physically could not fulfil such a complex shape of tile. Besides, the freelancer counted the finishing materials but ignored the primers and laminate substrates. The builders began to suspect something and informed the client in time. It turned out that the freelancer had never actually dealt with real repairs.

The client asked us to intervene. We had to significantly redo the project, replace a number of materials, but we managed to save it and save the customer several thousand euros.

Of course, if you do not need excessive detailing of the project, and you are ready to give your repair at the discretion of the builders, then you can save on this. But we do not guarantee the result.

But what you can really save money on, we will tell you. Imagine a flat with an area of 70 square metres. Do you think the designer’s labour costs will be the same if you need to make a one-room studio flat, or design three rooms separately plus a kitchen? The fewer rooms, the less labour, and it is also an opportunity to make a discount for the customer.

Amazing Interiors - Projektanci wnętrz biurowych Warszawa
Amazing Interiors - interior design in Warsaw and throughout Europe

For the customer, comparison of 3D-pictures with reality is an usual kind of fear. He always supposes that the result will not be the same as expected.

We hasten to dispel your fears. The interior after the repair will be much BETTER than the visualisation!

Interior visualisation is just an approximate picture generated by a computer on the basis of materials predetermined by the designer. The computer picture can not always correctly convey the perspective of the room, and even more – it is not able to convey many of the effects that have building materials. For example, you will not see on it artificial irregularities of concrete, pearlescent flecks in the paint, or feel the charm of velvet upholstery of the sofa.
In the course of implementation we carefully select all finishing materials not on the basis of pictures, but on the basis of real samples. For this purpose we have to go shopping, communicate with furniture suppliers. We make colourings, order samples of custom-made products. But that’s not all. During the author’s supervision of the project, we check how it all looks on site, so that there are no differences from the original idea.

The designer usually visits your facility on a weekly basis. Everything that happens on the construction site is inspected and recorded in a report. No detail goes unnoticed.

Inevitably, force majeure situations arise on the construction site when it turns out that a pre-conceived colour or finish is not suitable due to lighting or other objective circumstances. We will quickly make changes to the project and select a different colour or type of finish material.

Your interior will be much better than the computer picture, and you can be sure of that.


Each stage of work provides for a certain number of revisions.

At the 1st stage “Planning solution” the number of corrections will not be limited. Since the planning solution is the basis of the future interior, it is important that you are absolutely sure that the chosen solution is correct and that all your wishes are taken into account. After that you can move on.

Stage 2 “Design development and furniture arrangement” involves no more than 3 rounds of revisions on your part. If you have not decided on the style, it is now possible to present the interior in this or that solution, finish or colour.

At the 3rd stage “Visualisation 3D” photorealistic images are made according to your approved collages. They provide for 2 rounds of edits (not essential), i.e. within the pre-agreed stylistic concept. If at this stage you want to change the design concept, unfortunately, returning to the second stage will require additional payment, as the main part of the project has already been completed. The cost will be calculated depending on the level at which the already developed solution will be affected.

But as a rule, this number of edits is enough to achieve the desired result and not get confused in endless variations.


The designer’s primary job is to understand what the customer wants and deliver exactly the result they will like.

That’s why we place a lot of emphasis on the preparation phase before we start designing.

✔ We have a first meeting where you tell us everything you want to see in your project. You show examples of interiors that you like.

✔ A detailed specification is drawn up, where all the nuances to be taken into account are spelt out. The more detailed the tasks will be described, the more accurately we will fulfil it. Everything matters: the height of family members, the presence of elderly people, children, pets or disabled people. In the case of commercial interiors – what you plan to sell, where visitors will wait for their order, where visitors should put dirty dishes, etc.

✔ The whole design process is divided into stages. At each of them we consistently work through all the tasks set, taking into account your wishes and agreeing on the result.

Thus, already at the preparatory stage we define all the most important things and cut off all unnecessary things. We will be constantly in touch and agree every stage with you. The client himself takes part in the design. That’s why you can’t help but like the end result.


Everything will depend solely on your wishes and possibilities. Based on our experience, we can distinguish three variants of finishing – budget, optimal and premium.

It is impossible to say at once exactly how much your interior will cost, but a professional designer will definitely try to fit into your budget and not exceed it significantly. Let’s say, the optimal budget of repair can be from 500 to 700 euros per square metre. The exact price may vary depending on the region and country. Although it is possible to save on something or, on the contrary, to choose more expensive and high-quality materials. Anyway, this amount includes:

✔ construction and finishing works (cost of construction team)
✔ rough materials
✔ finishing materials
✔ equipment (ventilation and air conditioning, heating radiators, plumbing, lighting)
✔ furniture (upholstered, cabinet and other)
✔ textiles and décor

After finalising the design project, we prepare a project estimate. The estimate contains information and calculations on all items used in the project and allows us to estimate the real cost of repair.


Among customers there are often people who believe that they can control the renovation themselves. For such people, the presence of a design project will greatly facilitate the task. After all, in fact, the folder with blueprints is a detailed repair manual, which contains all the drawings, visualisations and price of materials. In the hands of the contractor will be everything – from the type of material to the place of its purchase.

But will everyone really be ready to devote the proper amount of time, attention and effort to this process? After all, you will have to face a huge amount of new information, to get into all the intricacies of the process. Weekly travelling to the facility, to answer the questions of builders, to monitor the result, to notice discrepancies with the project and timely correct?
Don’t forget someone should undertake the timely purchase and delivery of finishing materials and furniture to the site. In each of the places of purchase will have to answer a million questions of managers, contractors, to coordinate the colours, to verify the order set, to accept at the site, and so on and so forth.

If you want to take it all on yourself, how do you reconcile it with your work, personal life? And many people also have responsibilities to their families – to take the children to school, to stop by the supermarket….

Undoubtedly, we try to support those who do decide to realise it independently. We arrange one-off visits to the object, give consultations. But if we talk about who will do it better… Think about it, who will cook a chef’s speciality dish or make a perfect suit better – a professional or a beginner?

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Amazing Interiors - interior design in Warsaw and throughout Europe

Let’s design together

Many people have a craving for design in early childhood, when a child collects cubes and tries to build some figure from them. A real designer is a person who has not lost his or her love for creativity and creation. That is why we pass this skill on to our clients as best we can.
6 Al. Armii Ludowej, Warsaw
1 Canada square, London E14 9XQ
Reading room for the children’s library
Modern interior interpretation in Bauhaus style
Interior with a summer mood
A 35 metre flat for a family of four
Summer terrace on the roof of an office building
Loft in a small flat

© ® 2019-2024 Amazing Interiors. Registered Trade Mark. All rights reserved.

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