
Design is in the details

August 4, 2022by admin0

The details are not the details. They make the design.

Charles Eames

When your interior style has already been created and the builders have left, it doesn’t mean that your interior is complete. Now it is the turn of the decorator.

It is necessary to choose the right filling of the interior to give it completeness.

Selection of decor is engaged in a specially trained person – decorator. This is a specialist in artistic design and decoration of interiors. His work depends not only on how beautiful the room will be, but also how comfortable and functional the interior will be.

Taking into account the layout and aesthetics of the space, the decorator selects the right accessories and places them where they should be.

Decorating is not a simple process at all. It depends on the artistic taste of the person who will be doing the decorating.
There are no trifles here, as each cushion, tablecloth and statuette must look harmoniously in the interior and combine with each other.

The purpose of decoration is to create a unique artistic image of a room.

Why is decoration so important and can you do without it?

Decor is important for the design of the space and the subsequent perception of the room by the customer. Decor allows you to add / dim the lighting of the room, to highlight certain colours, to set accents. Another advantage of competent decor, is the ability to change the nature of the design of the environment, and it is not necessary to take any drastic measures.

While designers are fully focused on creating the ordered interior, decorators, based on the opinion of the customer and the designer, offer the most successful spatial and compositional solutions. Decorating implies competent placement of accents and important details that reflect the individuality of the architecture of the room and its owners.

Depending on what tasks the customer sets, decoration can be the leading role in the design of the room or play a secondary role. The leading role implies the presence of certain architectural compositions, decorative elements that imply a certain aesthetic load. Most often – this is the highlight, which is given a key role.

The decisive factor in the perception of the interior can be a mirrored wall panel or several details that unite the idea of design in a single whole composition. When decor is given a secondary role, designers initially create such spatial solutions, where decorative elements are given a minimum of space. Such an interior in the future will be difficult to change depending on the mood, without affecting its main structure.

It is necessary to think about the decor at the stage of creating a project of the interior, because the choice of this or that solution affects the architecture and design of the future image of the room. To the decorative items that are most often used in the design, include items, the purchase of which is not conditioned by only one functionality. These are beautiful textiles, carpets, vases, baskets, baskets, sculptures, various design compositions made of wood, metal, dried flowers, etc.

When the interior lacks decorative elements, the room looks empty. For this reason, it is extremely important to match each of the elements by colour, size, texture to create a single picture of perfect perception.

The completeness of the interior lies in the details, touches, as every little thing has its own purpose and meaning.

Principles of interior decoration

Interior decoration is responsible for the unified idea of interior design.

The main principles of decorating:

Comfortable and practical interior. Even the most delightful design compositions will eventually begin to irritate, when, for example, it is necessary to constantly bypass them, it is inconvenient for the owners of the room. Therefore, first of all – practicality, taking into account the wishes of the customer. It is necessary to understand how many people will be in a particular room, what functions are assigned to this or that room, etc. It often happens that the owners design some rooms under the needs of guests, this should also be taken into account in the decor.

Unity of design and idea. It is necessary to adhere to a unified style of the whole house, storyline. Finishing materials, wallpaper, furniture and textiles – everything should be combined with each other, complementing each other. It is important that the idea of architectural design of the room and its decor, were unobtrusive and liked by all the inhabitants of the house.

Bright individuality. To achieve an effective perception of the overall space and each room separately, it is necessary to use original accessories, stylishly designed decorative pillows, textured textiles, photos on the walls. When creating the decor, it is imperative to take into account not only the wishes of the owners, but also their style and lifestyle, thinking, habits. A detailed study of the predilections of the owners of the room, will help to create the right atmosphere.

Sense of proportion. A lot of unique, beautiful and exclusive items, all together, do not cause a good impression. It is necessary to adhere to a certain moderation and tact in the decor to achieve the desired effect. You should not confuse the hall of the house with an art gallery or put the china in the house on display. Such excesses are unacceptable, it is better – change the items of decor, alternating them, so that the interior of the room was not overloaded with unnecessary shapes and details.

Creative approach, unified style, practicality and sense of proportion allow you to create harmonious compositions and combinations for each room in the house.


Basic rules of interior decoration

Decorating is an interesting and very exciting process, but in order to direct fantasy and creativity in the right direction, it is necessary to adhere to some basic rules.

For decoration are used:

  • art objects;
  • colours;
  • textures;
  • ornaments;
  • vases;
  • paintings.

It would seem that it is difficult to arrange correctly the art-objects that the owners of the room liked. But, it is not as easy as it seems at first glance, because all the accessories, vases and paintings should look harmoniously together, and without interrupting each other, to be a whole. Let’s tell you how to achieve this goal.


1. Correct combination of decorative items.

All, without exception, items and elements of interior decoration should be combined with each other. This should be remembered when choosing vases, decorative cushions, textiles. To adhere to a single style, take into account the characteristics of certain items in the environment, combinations of colour, shape and texture. For example, use similar in colour fabrics, but with different texture, for curtains, tablecloths, cushions. It is not necessary to strictly match the colour, it is enough if the shades are similar.

2 Use no more than 2-3 colours

When decorating open shelves and racks, limit yourself to a few colours. No more than 3 colours or their shades are enough to design architectural compositions in the same style. In addition to this rule, it is recommended that the tone of the composition should be combined with the colour of the finishing of the room and its style.

When choosing the colour of the shelf, opt for classic black or white. These neutral tones can be used in any composition, which is very convenient when decorating rooms in all styles, from classic to high-tech.

3. Variety of textures

When creating décor for monochrome or achromatic interiors, do not forget about the variety of textures. Without the use of textures, monochrome interiors will look dull. Here the rule of three components is used, that is, you can combine three different textures, it can be glossy, matte and volumetric surface.

4.  Ornaments

Ornaments are always in trend, but they also need to be used competently. Remember, if the interior presents several variants of ornaments at once, their number should be odd.

An even number of ornaments, it will be difficult to subsequently combine into a single image, because of the special perception of the overall picture. Ornaments, in one room, should be different sizes. It is more correct when large ornaments occupy a larger area than small ones, but this condition is optional, it all depends on the aesthetics of the room and its purpose.

5. Vases

When arranging vases, it is necessary to determine for what purposes this decorative object will be used. Vase can support the style of the interior, create a mood, help to correctly place colour accents. A wide variety of choice of vases, allows you to use vases for different purposes. It remains to pick up a few options, using the rule: one shape – different colours, one tone – different shapes.

6. Painting

Of course the easiest way to pick up paintings in the same style as the interior of the room, but it is also possible to act on the principles of contrast. In a classic interior look great paintings of modern masters, and old paintings – without problems fit into the ultra-modern loft. It is important to pay attention to the colour, shades, intent, so that the picture does not contradict the theme of the room, and emphasize a certain status, aesthetics of the room.

Competent decor allows you to perceive the environment without stress.

Decorating the living room

Decorating the living room is a responsible occupation, because it is the main room in the house, and here everything should be perfect. To decorate the living room in terms of comfort, functionality and good taste, take into account all the style of the house.

Classic style. The decor of the room in this style should not “cheapen” the atmosphere. For the decoration of the living room are used carpets, tapestries, paintings, portraits in a massive frame, mirrors.

Eclecticism. The style is popular, since it can be used in small rooms. The living room needs to add presentability, but at the same time keep all its details. A space in the eclectic style, can easily combine many details taken from different styles. Depending on the decor chosen, the living room can become a place for relaxation, turn into a floral oasis, etc. This style assumes in the room the presence of decorative elements that are made by their own hands, these inconspicuous and simple details help to make the atmosphere of the living room cosy and truly homely.

Country and Provence. These are the so-called “rustic” styles, and based on their name, it is necessary to select the design for the living room. A lot of small elements will look appropriate here. A variety of textures and colours are only welcome. Use for the decoration of the living room painted wall plates of different sizes, ceramic vases with flowers, tablecloths of rough textiles, etc. It is in the style of Provence and country is not forbidden to display various trinkets that are presented, children, cute photos with animals. Use these wide opportunities to decorate and create an attractive, family interior living room.

Retro. In this case, the decor of the room will not have to spend a lot of money. Perfectly suitable things left by your parents. You can use a variety of items and decor elements from old houses: pillows, furniture, posters, all this will fit perfectly into the interior of the living room in the retro style.

Design tips

Do not hurry to buy items for decoration until the colour of the walls and ceiling is determined. First it is necessary to complete the renovation work and put all the furniture in its place. Decor only completes the overall picture of the room, helping some details to organically fit into the interior.

It also happens that the living room may not have enough space for decorative trifles.

Superfluous decor overloads the room, and if the room is small – decorative elements should also be functional.

The living room is a room where the owners of the house can show their lifestyle to the guests. Here is quite appropriate decor with their own hands.

Decorating the kitchen and decorating the dining room. Table decoration

It’s no secret that an exquisitely and tastefully set table can increase appetite, and a beautiful breakfast – is able to give a charge of vigour for the whole day. In addition, if you add just a few bright details in the design of the kitchen – a standard dinner can easily turn into a festive one.

In fact, to create a festive mood, using candles, napkins, vases and beautiful cutlery, is not difficult.

Textiles. Of course everyone knows how practical paper towels and napkins are, but textiles are incomparably more spectacular. Linen tablecloths and textile mats in the kitchen create a soulful atmosphere, help to enjoy cooked food.

Candles. Decorating the table with candles, you can turn any dinner or lunch into a real family celebration. Put in the centre of the table tall candles in a candelabra, if the table is large, complement the composition with a few more, chaotically arranged, candles. To create a romantic atmosphere, pill candles are suitable, for example, laid out in the shape of hearts.

Flowers. Decorate the kitchen space at any time of the year, using fresh and dried flowers, ikebana. It is not necessary to buy designer bouquets, branches of garden trees and bushes decorated with beads or ribbons will do. Plant branches are also used to decorate cutlery.

Fruits and vegetables. For kitchen decor, seasonal fruits and vegetables are ideal. Do not fixate on standard designs using apples and oranges, boldly experiment with compositions, adding aubergines, lemons, leaves, glass stones in vases.

Beautiful crockery. Any dish will taste better when served in beautiful crockery. The aesthetic pleasure of contemplating food is complemented by the pleasure of eating.

Kitchen decor is a daily treat for everyone in the family.

Decorating a nursery

The difficulty of creating decor for a child’s room is that the child grows up and his interests are constantly changing. But, at the same time, it is quite easy to change the decor of a child’s room, even if you do not carry out redesign and repair in the room.

Correct distribution of space. A child’s room should have clearly defined areas for rest, development and mobile games. Such distribution allows the child to develop harmoniously. Over time, when the child grows up, the play area is easily converted into a working one.

Stickers on the walls and furniture. Such decor, you can create together with the baby, especially if the child is small. At preschool age, children like stickers depicting fairy tale characters, cartoon characters and comics. For schoolchildren, stickers with geographical names, maps, numbers are suitable. Even in the bedroom of teenagers you can see stickers corresponding to his age, these are youth music and film idols.


Decorations on the ceiling. To make the child feel comfortable and fall asleep with pleasure, you can put a night light in the room, but even better – to paste the ceiling with stars that glow in the dark. It is so pleasant to fall asleep, admiring the starry sky.


Decor in the children’s room is selected with the child and should correspond to his lifestyle and favourite hobbies.

(c) 2017. Based on Twinstore materials.

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