
A 35 metre flat for a family of four

Our client had an interesting situation - the family has two adults who work at home and two boys of school age. The problem that had to be solved was how to accommodate so many people in such a small flat?

Yeah, it happens. How do you accommodate four people in a flat of only 35 square metres?
The high cost of housing is a concern in big cities today, but the designer is ready to help here too.
Our client had an interesting situation – the family has two adults who work at home and two boys of school age. The owner is working on the purchase of a new spacious living space, but before moving the family needs to live in the existing conditions for another two years. So we have to come up with a solution that will suit everyone.
We have planned two double-decker beds for the children, which also serve as a workplace. For the adults, a folding bed and a desk.

Space type:
Amazing Interiors - the creative interior studio from Warsaw

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Many people have a craving for design in early childhood, when a child collects cubes and tries to build some figure from them. A real designer is a person who has not lost his or her love for creativity and creation. That is why we pass this skill on to our clients as best we can.

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