
From a neglected granny flat to an efficient loft interior

With the permission of the homeowner, we decided to show how the work of a designer can transform even a banal and unattractive dwelling. Pictures, of course, will not demonstrate how many approvals and clarifications had to be made in various authorities before we found a solution to the redevelopment of the room. But you can appreciate the result.
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We present you the interior, in which we decided to show not only our design work, but also in what condition we got the flat.

So, the flat is in a panel house of the 60s on the ground floor. The bathroom is combined. The renovation of the premises was last done in the late 80s. The floor is made of wooden boards. After it was lifted up, it turned out that there was glass wool under it. This required changes to the project.

The main problem that had to be solved was a global change in the layout. The flat had a kitchen with a separate entrance. The walls were panelled, and it was impossible to demolish them completely. As a result, it was decided to demolish them partially, leaving the beams at the ceiling. The beams are thicker than the wall itself, so they are only visible on one side of the wall. We decided to preserve and highlight these beams.

As a result of demolishing one wall, the living room has direct access to the kitchen. The room visually became much larger. We designed a glass sliding partition between the kitchen and the living room.
We combined all the photos according to the principle of ‘as it was’ and ‘as it became’.

Many thanks to the customer, Vyacheslav, who orders the second project in our studio. This time he gave the designer complete freedom. And this is what we got as a result of our co-operation.

You can read more about this project following by the link.

Space type:
In process
Minsk, Belarus
Amazing Interiors - the creative interior studio from Warsaw

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Many people have a craving for design in early childhood, when a child collects cubes and tries to build some figure from them. A real designer is a person who has not lost his or her love for creativity and creation. That is why we pass this skill on to our clients as best we can.

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